Sunday, August 28, 2011

some down time

This Friday Davey turned two. He is officially no longer a baby (though in reality he has not been one for awhile). We celebrated by being low key. On Friday the kids and I went to the children's museum in Porland. It is an awesome place for kids under 6 or so. Ashley and Davey both loved the play vet room and the dig pit (an area filled with rubber mulch, shovels, and dump trucks). It is all indoors so I think we will be purchasing a family pass and going often when it starts raining. After nap Ashley and Davey helped make a blue birthday cake with blue frosting. It was messy fun. We walked down the river to Pizza Schmiza for dinner to top off Davey's day. On Saturday we headed out early for Voodoo Donuts (yum) and then caught the train to the zoo. The Portland zoo is an excellent size for walking and Davey loved it. After each exhibit he would start saying "amules? amules?" His favorite by far were the monekys, and Ashley said she liked the elephants best.

It was a vey fun and laid back weekend. It was nice exploring Portland a bit. We still need to eat at the food carts one day. Nothing too much coming up this week - more long river walks, streetcar rides, and playground explorations.

Davey is two!
1.Lot's of running, jumping and climbing.
2. Lot's of new words and phrases. His favorite word is now. Like "eat now" or"get out now"
3. Testing his boundaries daily, rinse wash repeat
4. Obessed with diggers, streetcars, trucks, boats, and (h)airplanes
5. Oh, and helicopters, cranes, and bulldozers
6. Loves to snuggle and read before bed
7. Loves pools and baths
8. Eats a lot, and tells you when he is hungry
9. Is loud or louder (or loudest)
10. Sometimes is scared of loud noises and needs a good snuggle.

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