Wednesday, August 24, 2011

last camping post...promise

Quick snippits before the last camping installment-
1. Davey has fullblown terrible twos. Ashley skipped this stage. It's an experience.
2. Grandma and Papa recorded hallmark books for A and D. At the end when they say "I love you Davey" he screams "I love you" into the book. Really, really loud so they can hear him.
3. I asked Ashley if she liked living in Portland. She said, "yeah, but I like camping better."

So Davey slept hard core Saturday night, so he woke us all up at 6. Thanks, bud! We got camp taken down and were on the road by 8. We stopped for lunch at the Forks Coffee shop. Definitely no Jacob or Edward sightings, or anything close to a look-a-like. There were, however, a whole bunch oh Twighlight references and shops. As we headed to Rialto Beach we passed by La Push, and and RV camp cleverly advertising the treaty line (all non-twilight dorks are now lost).
Rialto beach was amazing. Black sand and smooth stone beach, large (really huge) sun-bleached driftwod trees on the high tide line, intense green forest, fog, grey ocean, and shadowy out croppings in the water. It was really incredible. We saw dolphins and seals in the water, large starfish clinging to the rocky out croppings, and a variety of sea birds. The fog broke up as we walked down to the arch and we could see the large rock islands just off the shore.
After a quick family photo in the arch we headed back. We had ambled along and explored a lot, but we walked a good mile down the shore. Davey was done. D.O.N.E. After much screaming for Mommy I finally took him from Jason and he passed out. Jason and I took turns carrying 30+ pounds of passed out Davey and dragging a very tired and whiney 3 yo down the beach. It was all worth it.
After some de-sanding, it was a relatively uneventful ride home. The tom-tom didn't try and send us on any dirt roads and there was no horrible traffic. (Just all the Washingtonians going under, or just at the speed limit. Is the unspoken 7 above rule not followed here??) It was a very memorable, and fun trip. Jason is even willing to go again. Hopefully we will all recover soon enough to try again this fall.

(Please forgive all typos, I have been writing this on Jason's galaxy tablet.)

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