Thursday, September 1, 2011

Are my short genes actually recessive?

Davey had his two year well visit today. It wasn't my 1st choice practice, and I randomly picked a pedi from the list, but I liked her. She was very thourough, chatted a long time, and stayed in the room longer than any pedi I have seen. We did learn that Davey may be a giant (well, in Smith-family terms). He measured in over 36 inches. Double that number and he will be 6 feet tall. He will TOWER over 90% of the Smith family. Sheer insanity. Now, I have to say I am skeptical. His weight was only 29.2 (65%, and perfect according to the pedi), but 2-3 pounds less than his last weigh in. Hmmm... At the same time, they used a digital scale and the nurse was very careful when she measured him. Who knows. I'll go with the 93% height. I like it. (Smith family, while he escaped the short, he did NOT escape the head. That is 93% as well.) All in all, Davey his healthy. Good appointment.

This week we've just been hanging around town. We've explored parks (they love see-saws and merry- go- round spinny things, both of which I haven't seen at a NC park). We've made multiple Target trips (still no envelopes, doh!). We have also taken lots of long walks. We happened upon the Oregon Symphony rehearsal this morning on the waterfront. Both kiddos loved it. After dinner tonight, the kids and I went back. Ashley did some interpretive dancing, Davey clapped, and then they both pulled up grass to cover goose poop. It was fun stuff. Up next this weekend a trip to the beach and aquarium, fantasy draft, and a trip up to Mt. St. Helens.

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