Monday, August 15, 2011

Here we go

One week in and trying to develop a new sense of normalcy. Ashley wakes me up too early (normal), Jason is already gone (normal), we wait for Davey to get up and go downstairs to a breakfast buffet (not normal). The buffet keeps us in constant supply of yogurt and bananas, half of Davey's diet. Ashley gets to have a bagel with cream cheese every day. I snag jelly packets for pb&j's at lunch. Thank you Marriott.
The kids have discovered long hallways are good for running. They have also discovered the joy of elevator buttons. I have developed a system to prevent bloodshed - Davey pushes the outside button(s) and Ashley the inside. Ashley is very good at recognizing the number 4. We are working on quiet voices in the hall. Davey has two volumes, loud and deafening, we are loved on the 4th floor.
The kids are doing great at sharing a room. In the room their favorite activity is watching the digges and dozers work across the street. And the streetcars! And busses! It'sthe perfect view for a two year old boy.
We spend our mornings exploring. The kids and I are pretty good at riding the streetcar. We have found Powell's Books, Finnegans (toy store), Safeway, the Flying Elephant Bakery, a weekday farmer's market, VoodooDonuts, and the world's lonest train. The hotel is on the river and there is a great walk way frequented by bikes and joggers. There is also an ice cream shop.
My gym is a five minute walk from the hotel and we alternate me working out with going to the pool. Childcare is not free so I need another afternoon activity. Things to explore next include osmi, children's museum, the zoo, and to find some indoor play spaces! It's not raining yet...
Faves: The Pearl, seeing Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Hood from the river today, free wine with free dinner in the hotel, the weather
Up next: Crater Lake this weekend

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