Saturday, December 3, 2011


You know the moms who make you feel like you are failing as a mother? The ones with amazingly clean houses-all the time? The ones with well behaved, well dressed, CLEAN children -all the time? (You know-no snot, dirt, unidentified food on their shirts, etc.) The ones who never ever yell, make everything from scratch, and don't feel the need to lock themselves in the bathroom and curse every-so-often? (The ones who don't have children who rip chunks of hair out of their siblings head like my son just did?) They live in hotels too. There is a very sweet mother who lives here with her FOUR children. (In the same, tiny 2 bedroom hotel suite my family lives in.) Her four kids (all under 7) are perfectly well-behaved at the breakfast buffet, I have yet to witness a yell from her, and I have never seen her looking like she wanted to give one (or all) of them away. I once mentioned to her how excited I was to go back to my house because living in a hotel was making me twitch with my two kids. I expected her to agree, but get this folks- SHE LOVES IT. Say what??? Four kids, 700 sq feet, and it's all peachy keen. She has to be lying, right???
(Honestly, she is very nice and I am generally in awe of her mothering skills. I just can't understand the love of hotel living. It is beyond me.)

On a different note, this age - two and three- has been the hardest stage so far for me. I am beginning to wonder if where and how we are living now is making me feel that way. My two kiddos, while they fight and bicker a lot, really do play nicely together. If they had more space, toys, and the freedom to be really loud, would I be loving this age? Hmmmm....

We are coming home in 10 DAYS!!! Get ready Charlotte :)

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