Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving fun and my kids are cute

I hosted Thanksgiving at my house in 2005, whole newlywed come eat at my house and use my pretty new china type deal. It was a bit of a disaster. Jason was insistent that we buy a RAW, uncooked, not sliced, pork butt ham. News flash folks, ham is not raw. A raw "ham" equates to a giant pork chop. We all fought over the tiny fried turkey. (Raw "ham" aka giant pork chop makes good bbq. Traditional Thanksgiving leftovers.) This year I did Thanksgiving in a hotel room. I did a ham (turkey too intimidating in a hotel). It was not a giant pork chop. Score one. Actually, pretty much everything turned out great. Sue and Dave flew up for Thanksgiving and we had a great 4ish days with them. We had some interesting encounters on a street car (one man cleared an entire section, the smell was that bad), twice. We hit up Powell's Books, some of our favorite brew pubs, the Christmas Parade, Tree lighting, and even attempted to go to Mt. St. Helens. No actual plan, directions, and snow covered roads in the wilderness made the Mt. St. Helens adventure a bit of a bust. It was a nice holiday, and so wonderful to be able to celebrate with family all the way out here.

On a totally different note, tonight I got to witness a "typical" male behavior evolve in my 2 year old. He asked to talk to his Auntie Claire Bear, and then proceeded to hold the phone away from his head and say "Yeah" every so often while staring at the TV. Oh Davey, Davey, Davey. Ashley is such a girly girl, still continues to request more make-up and now "matches" her outfits by wearing all pink. It's quite popular among the 4 yo girl crowd I hear.

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