Thursday, December 8, 2011

It's a......

BABY! We didn't find out. I'll admit, it was hard. Jason reallllly wanted to, and I was about to give in. The ultrasound tech never asked, and neither did we. We now have an official surprise baby in late April/early May. I won't lie, I looked. with both Ashley and Davey it was obvious. Since this tech never even seemed to look for it, I couldn't tell. At one point while she was doing leg measurements I thought- it's a boy!- but she then pointed out the umbilical cord. Not a penis. Throughout the various measurements I tried to see any hint and sometimes I thought GIRL and others maybe boy. All in all, I think maybe girl. We had enough leg shots where a penis should have been obvious, but no direct inbetween the leg looks this go round. It was by far the longest ultrasound I have ever had (almost 45 minutes). Baby looked perfect and everything measured between 18w5d and 19w5d. We had a doctor's appt afterwards and really chatted about Papp-A. She reiterated that there is not an additional worry about chromosomal abnormalities and is 100% onboard with making sure I make it home before delivery a priority. Basically the plan is to monitor just in case my placenta starts to crap out and if there is any indicator of an issue, send me back to NC asap. I like her.
In other news we go home in 4 DAYS!!! Please come visit me. I will have no car. :)


  1. We can't wait to see you! We will definitely come and visit

  2. I've always thought it would be fun to have a surprise baby- like in the "olden days." Good for you!
    Can't wait to see you! Will ya'll come to the cookie exchange?
