Friday, November 18, 2011

Papp-a who?

So as you have read, I told everyone I was NOT having a baby in the next year. I also told people I have nice, normal pregnancies. I need to stop opening my mouth. So far this pregnancy IS nice and normal except for this thing called papp-a. My ob said my papp-a levels are low. I thought, my pap was low? Does this mean abnormal? Actually it's some pregnancy hormone they test for in 1st tri screenings. I probably read about it with my first pregnancy in the nice little pamphlet they give you. This being my third pregnancy, I didn't open the pamphlet and was papp-a-what? Basically low papp-a gives pregnant women the opportunity to worry and stress about what could really amount to nothing. It COULD mean problems in the third trimester. It also could (and is more likely to) mean absolutely nothing. Since I had both kids with me, and my doctor seemed so calm about it all I didn't worry until I consulted Dr. Google. He didn't have much to say on the matter, but enough that I have a loooong list of questions for the next appointment.

On a slightly different note, Jason is using this information to fuel his argument for why we should find out what we are having. I am still in the surprise me camp. What do you all think. Should we find out?

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