Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Let's talk Portland

I've talked a lot about stuff we've done, but I haven't blogged about Portland. If I like the city, if I like living here. In short, yes and yes. Portland is a very interesting city. It is very liveable. Unlike Charlotte, there are shops and restaurants galore downtown. (And almost all are non-chains which I like.) Transportation is easy, and free pretty much everywhere the kids and I go. There are parks galore, shade, huge trees, and a nice river (it has yet to smell and actually looks clean). To top it all off, there are so many interesting places nearby - Mt. Hood, Crater Lake, Cannon Beach, Olympic National Park... There is a lot I have yet to explore in Portland, different areas and neighborhoods, the OSMI, etc.

I like walking on the river in the morning.
I like exploring new streets and stores.
I like finding new parks with the kids.
I love our weekend trips. I am dragging Jason to all the national and state parks I can.
I like the geography. It's hilly, and green, and very different.
I like the attitude. People care about being green. Not like Charlotte where most could care less.
I like the independent local flare.
I like trying something new.

As cool as Portland is, it isn't home. I miss my family and friends. Actually knowing other people, having adults to talk to during the day. Ashley starts preschool next week. Since it's a co-op, I will be there a lot working. Maybe I will meet some mom friends there? It's time to use the kids to meet people. They're pretty cute. In the meantime, anyone bored and looking to visit?? Like I've said, Portland is pretty cool.

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