Monday, October 24, 2011

Bachelorette Fun

This weekend it was off to Denver (sans children!) to celebrate Claire who is getting MARRIED! Shocking as it is, Denver was the most centrally located place we could meet. The party goers came from Denver (2), Nashville, Lake Charles Louisiana, Los Angeles, Hawaii and Portland. We are a geographically diverse group to say the least. We ate fabulous food, saw a ridiculous amount of zombies (Denver has a yearly zombie gathering - think Franklin street but with a common theme) , prettified our toes with pedicures, and caught a burlesque show. The things those ladies can do with pasties and tassels was impressive. It was a fun, relaxing weekend. I managed to stay up later than I have in the past 5 years and spend quality time with Claire, her wonderful friends, and my awesome cousin Bonnie. It was a good get away. And even though I am tired, I feel refreshed. I miraculously have more patience today, and taking a deep breath is actually helping like it should. Now granted, Ashley did step on a baby snake on the way home from the gym (eeeeeeeeek) and morning sickness is back (yay public puking) but I am not cranky or counting the hours til Daddy.

In Denver we visited with Bonnie, Brett and the adorable Wyatt and Lucy. It was nice having a chance to relax for awhile and see some of the lovely Smith family but seeing them at home, in their house, with their things made me want to be in my home. This hotel, while it is where my family is, is not where I wanted to go back to. Flying "home" to Portland just wasn't quite the same. 6 weeks til Christmas break! It will be nice to visit home, even if just for a few weeks :)

Next up- Regular routine. Preschool, swim classes,etc.

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