Thursday, September 22, 2011

So it's been awhile.

So I've been lazy. Not extra busy, extra lazy and it's been awhile. After a month of waiting around life has finally started in Portland. Ashley has preschool Tuesday and Thursday and both kids have swim. (I have yet to fully recover from losing Davey's 2x a week preschool. Sigh.) Ashley's preschool is wonderful. Her teacher has been there for 25 years and the general set up and schedule is perfect for a threes class. I am glad we found a good school out here since leaving such a wonderful school in Charlotte was one of my biggest anxieties. Since it's a coop I am parent helper 4x between now and January and on-call sub 4x as well. No preschool for Davey means what would have been his tuition each month now can go towards babysitters. Ashley's favorite things about preschool:
1. The babydoll/play house area (she loves the play washer and dryer)
2. The arts and crafts room, especially the glitter paint
3. The guinea pigs, Peanut Butter and Jelly (who will not be weekending with us)

The gym I belong to has great swim lessons. Members pay $35 a session. It's such a deal. Davey is in a mommy and me class. All the other babies have been taking swim since they were in utero. (well, 4 months, but you get the idea.) Davey didn't scream, but he said "no thank you" and "get out now" a lot. Ashley is the only one in her class. This means she is getting private lessons. It rocks. She practiced some strokes and getting toys from the bottom of the pool. She loves swim class.

The only trip we did recently was Crater Lake. It is a beautiful National Park, and the deepest lake in the US. Because it was formed when a volcano collapsed, no rivers or streams flow into it. It is 100% filled with snow melt (averages 44' a year) and rain. This also makes it one of the cleanest lakes in the world. There is all sorts of interesting info about Ceater Lake. You should google it because I am too lazy to type it on the tablet. The kids had a blast camping. The campsite was incredibly dusty so they were filthy. We planned better and cooked dinner (hot dogs) and made smores on the fire Jason made with firewood we collected. The general verdict on camping from Jason is that it's great until the sleeping part. Then the ground is hard and it sucks. We will work on improving that next time.

Up next is a trip to Seattle where we will rough it in a Marriott. :-)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Let's talk Portland

I've talked a lot about stuff we've done, but I haven't blogged about Portland. If I like the city, if I like living here. In short, yes and yes. Portland is a very interesting city. It is very liveable. Unlike Charlotte, there are shops and restaurants galore downtown. (And almost all are non-chains which I like.) Transportation is easy, and free pretty much everywhere the kids and I go. There are parks galore, shade, huge trees, and a nice river (it has yet to smell and actually looks clean). To top it all off, there are so many interesting places nearby - Mt. Hood, Crater Lake, Cannon Beach, Olympic National Park... There is a lot I have yet to explore in Portland, different areas and neighborhoods, the OSMI, etc.

I like walking on the river in the morning.
I like exploring new streets and stores.
I like finding new parks with the kids.
I love our weekend trips. I am dragging Jason to all the national and state parks I can.
I like the geography. It's hilly, and green, and very different.
I like the attitude. People care about being green. Not like Charlotte where most could care less.
I like the independent local flare.
I like trying something new.

As cool as Portland is, it isn't home. I miss my family and friends. Actually knowing other people, having adults to talk to during the day. Ashley starts preschool next week. Since it's a co-op, I will be there a lot working. Maybe I will meet some mom friends there? It's time to use the kids to meet people. They're pretty cute. In the meantime, anyone bored and looking to visit?? Like I've said, Portland is pretty cool.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Cannon Beach and fishy jail

We've decided to be "lazy" this weekend. Yesterday we took a quick day trip down to Cannon Beach and it's ugly stepsister neighbor, Seaside. Ashley and Davey love the beach. Ashley asked why I forgot their swimsuits. That water is COLD! As in, you will develop frosbite and quickly lose your limbs, COLD. Nevertheless, Ashley and Davey loved wading in it, splashing, running, and occassionally falling down in the artic waters. I enjoyed running away from the waves, terrified my toes might get wet (and then fall off). Where on earth do west-coasters go to actually swim? Cold water aside, Cannon Beach is beautiful. The rocky outcroppings are beautiful, Haystack rock is particularly impressive. The sea life is very cool to see. The starfish there are HUGE. There were mounds of giant purple and orange starfish clinging to all the rocks.

After our beach adventure, we walked back up to the town (very pretty with lots of fun shops). We ate lunch at the creperie (1st crepes since Paris). We topped off Cannon Beach with some delicious ice cream.

Our next stop was Seaside, one of Jason's co-workers said we had to go to the aquarium. First of all, Seaside should be called "Sadside". The town was uber-depressing. Very tacky compared to Cannon Beach. Maybe that should have given us a heads-up for the aquarium. The next clue was the cheap admission. Kids were free. First up we fed the seals. These poor seals were kept in a tiny little area, and they did tricks for food. Ashley loved it, Davey was scared, and I felt sad for the seals. Next we entered the aquarium. It was one room, and dark. They had a decent assortment of fish, and a large variety of starfish. There were two touch tanks, and no signs to wash your hands afterwards. Yuck. We washed our hands about one million times, because that's how many times we went back to torment the starfish and sea anemones in the touch tanks. We had a hand sanitizer party when we were done! NC aquariums have clearly spoiled us.

All in all, the kids had a blast and so did we. It is so much fun watching Ashley and Davey explore and experience new things. Will swimmable water win over starfish next summer? Who knows.

Ashley's favorites: soft sand, starfish, and feeding the seals
Davey's favorites: starfish and the octopus

Next up: Mt St Helens. Pray for no volcanic activity tomorrow!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Are my short genes actually recessive?

Davey had his two year well visit today. It wasn't my 1st choice practice, and I randomly picked a pedi from the list, but I liked her. She was very thourough, chatted a long time, and stayed in the room longer than any pedi I have seen. We did learn that Davey may be a giant (well, in Smith-family terms). He measured in over 36 inches. Double that number and he will be 6 feet tall. He will TOWER over 90% of the Smith family. Sheer insanity. Now, I have to say I am skeptical. His weight was only 29.2 (65%, and perfect according to the pedi), but 2-3 pounds less than his last weigh in. Hmmm... At the same time, they used a digital scale and the nurse was very careful when she measured him. Who knows. I'll go with the 93% height. I like it. (Smith family, while he escaped the short, he did NOT escape the head. That is 93% as well.) All in all, Davey his healthy. Good appointment.

This week we've just been hanging around town. We've explored parks (they love see-saws and merry- go- round spinny things, both of which I haven't seen at a NC park). We've made multiple Target trips (still no envelopes, doh!). We have also taken lots of long walks. We happened upon the Oregon Symphony rehearsal this morning on the waterfront. Both kiddos loved it. After dinner tonight, the kids and I went back. Ashley did some interpretive dancing, Davey clapped, and then they both pulled up grass to cover goose poop. It was fun stuff. Up next this weekend a trip to the beach and aquarium, fantasy draft, and a trip up to Mt. St. Helens.