Friday, January 13, 2012

Today was fun! (NOT)

Worst nightmare realized today- stomach virus in the hotel room. Davey was a little puking machine today. He took down 3 blankets, 5 pairs of pajamas, 2 loveys, a pillow, and one towel. (Oh and me with the last go round.) The poor little dude just can't handle any food in his tummy. He did it all in Davey style though- full throttle with a quick break to puke, cry and snuggle before resuming prior running/sister beating etc. His activity level was good for me not to be too worried, and then sucked because we were TRAPPED. Can't take a kid out who randomly breaks into puking. It was a fun, fun day. Jason came home and I escaped downstairs with my kindle and a caffeine loaded diet pepsi (sorry baby #3, caffeine is no stranger to you). Hoping tomorrow is a better day for the little dude and the rest of us are spared. Wishful thinking? I hope not!

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